
发布时间:2023-05-05 08:45:04


1、Translation: 随着千兆连接到桌面的实现,以及网络多媒体应用的增多,对交换机之间、以及交换机到服务器之间带宽的要求越来越高,原有带宽已经成为制约网络传输的瓶颈。

2、 Gigabit connectivity to the desktop with the realization of multimedia applications, as well as an increase in the network of switches, as well as between the server switches between the bandwidth requirements are high, the original bandwidth constraints has become a network bottleneck. 于是,将主干网络提升至万兆以太网,就被列入了各大、中型网络的规划中。

3、 Thus, the backbone of the network will be upgraded to Gigabit Ethernet, they are included in the large and medium-sized network planning. 网络新技术的不断出现,校园网络信息化建设的进程也呈现了日新月异的飞速发展,基于网络的各类应用也越来越多,网络的高速传输,高带宽,稳定性和安全性的已被人们所关注。

4、 Network the continual emergence of new technologies, the construction of the campus network information also shows the process of changing the rapid development of various types of Web-based applications more and more high-speed networks, high bandwidth, stability, and security has been the concerns of people. 为此,建设一个能满足校园园区业务的要求,并能切合实际适应校园业务和用户群的需求特点,是我们此次网络方案设计和建设的主要目的。

5、 To this end, building a business park to meet the requirements of the campus and meet the campus practical business needs and characteristics of user groups, this network is that we design and construction of the main purposes. 本论文第一章首先提出了以太网的未来发展趋势,对以太网的未来发展趋势简要的进行了介绍;第二章介绍千兆网,对千兆网的标准、主要特点、技术特点及千兆以太网的应用座了简要的概述。

6、 The first chapter of this thesis first put forward the future development of the Ethernet trend of the future development trend of Ethernet briefly introduced; the second chapter is devoted to Gigabit Ethernet, and Gigabit Ethernet standards, the main features, technical characteristics and Gigabit Ethernet Application Block provides a brief overview. 第三章介绍了万兆以太网,介绍了为什么需要万兆以太网、万兆以太网的技术背景、技术要点及技术的应用。

7、 Chapter III introduced the Gigabit Ethernet on why the need for Gigabit Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet technology background, techniques and technology. 第四章介绍了万兆以太网的组网方案,主要介绍了万兆以太网的应用环境,万兆以太网对传输介质的要求,万兆以太网对光纤链路衰减的要求,万兆以太网的组网方案。

8、 Chapter IV describes the Gigabit Ethernet network program, introduced the application of the Gigabit Ethernet environment, Gigabit Ethernet transmission medium to the requirements of Gigabit Ethernet fiber-optic link attenuation of the requirements of , Gigabit Ethernet networking program.。


